Sociaal Fonds - 2D Animation for Presentation

Fun, light-hearted short video's to introduce debate topics and stimulate discussion about WFH

During the pandemic, Sociaal Fonds organised a debate to discuss the COVID measurements. These were mainly held to highlight the implications that come with Working From Home. As an intro to this presentation, we created the short video’s. We directed 4 half minute 2D animations. These fun, light-hearted short video's illustrated various real situations where work and COVID measurements lead to frustrations on both employer & employee's end.

animation - presentation - 2D - intro - explainer - motion design studio
Character design - Animation Studio - Gent - Whiteboard - 2D

The different focus points included "A Home Office is not an Office", "Freedom = Happiness!", "Working from home.. After COVID?" and "Social Isolation". Starting from these themes, we scripted different situations. The challenge here was that, as they were an intro to a presentation and debate, that we couldn’t pick sides. The animation had to stimulate discussion, not end it.

animation - presentation - 2D - intro - explainer - motion design studio

These short videos served as short introductions in a presentation. So we had to be concise with the story, while also having enough character in it would evoke emotion with the participants of the debate. They should feel empathic towards the employers & employees these animations were speaking for. We chose to work with stylised humans, drawn in a 2D line art style, as if they were scribbled on a whiteboard.

Debate - Introductory video - Presentation - Illustration - Short story
Illustration - Motion Design Studio - Gent - Line art - 2D Animation
animation - presentation - 2D - intro - explainer - pitch

Our Services

Art Direction, Motion Design, Storyboarding, Scripting,
Decide on type of content, Illustration, Design, 2D Animation


4x30 sec. intro for presentation